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Haruo Yamaguchi Luxury Travel Agent New York, New York
Tzell Travel Group
Japan, Worldwide, Central Asia, East and Southeast Asia, USA
Business Travel, Executive Corporate and Luxury Travel, Air Travel, Global Travel, Groups, Luxury Hotels, International Business Travel Specialist

Haruo Yamaguchi

New York, New York Travel Agent
Coming Home to Japan

Just because my career has been in business travel does not mean that I am all work and no play. I still love to travel, and I have had many incredible trips over the years. The one that stands out most in my mind is a trip my family took recently, where I introduced them to my homeland. 

We traveled to my hometown in the countryside of Japan that I left when I was 15 years old. The trip was exciting for many reasons, the “flashiest” of which was a huge firework celebration that takes place there every August.  

As exciting as it was for me to relive my childhood, it was even more exciting for my kids to get a sense of what my childhood was like. I showed them the home I grew up in, my school and favorite places and talked about the sort of things I did when I was young. It was equal parts educational and enthralling to them.  

This trip meant so much to me because it essentially bridged my two worlds. I had the opportunity to show my sons an important part of my past, and hopefully, they gained an appreciation for their family’s history. I think for me, that trip epitomizes the beauty of travel in a nutshell; it is a way of bridging diverse worlds through exploration and discovery!